Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Consistency Interrupted

Hari jumaat minggu lepas aku x main boling coz ade final exam paper psychology dan account the next day.

Isnin 3 Nov 2008

Another friendly match dengan Hanis. Game sepatutnye start kul 11 tapi arini metro point dipenuhi dgn kanak2 sekolah yang ade PKJ agaknye di pusat bowling. Lolz.. Tapi aku dpt gak training kul 12.30. 1st game berjalan lancar dgn bnyk strike yg dapat aku dapat dan turkey (turkey skali je la) dan mendahului Hanis dgn mata 181-95

But then lepas aku spare di pusingan kedua, ade orang bertepuk tangan dan suara die mmg familiar. Member2 kat taman aku rupenye. Ntah knape aku tetibe rase cuak dan consistency aku pun merosot. Hanis pun same. Entah knpa die pun influenced jugak..

Game ke 2 ngan ke 3 aku still maintain above 150 but game yg last, i broke my own rule. I should get 140 every game I play. But the last game, I just score 119. The worst! Arghhh!

Moral value yg aku dpt, bile bola boling kat tangan dan ready nk lempar, kene fokus. Buang rase nervous dan ingat my own theme, bowling is not for scoring, but keep throwing the ball at the pins number 1 and 3.

*My rule on playing bowling.
1-Score above 140.
2-Never 'longkang' at the first throw
3-Must be the winner when play with friends.
4-Happy playing
5-Follow the theme
6-Follow the rules

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